SO, NOW IT APPEARS THAT WE ARE "ANTI-SCIENCE". SURELY EARTH CAN SEE THIS FOR NONSENSE, RIGHT? BUT HOW WELL DO WE EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY THINK? The cultural degeneration of the Colonists seems to have resulted in a somewhat anti-science attitudes. This is likely a result of the prolonged period of stagnation resulting from their isolation. The leader's spokesperson, Olivia, attempted to use flimsy pretexts to delay the initiation of the rat experiment. Obviously, we were able to insure that the experiment began on schedule, but it will need to be safeguarded against any attempts at further interference or sabotage. [Helene looked off to her left, out the small window, at the rusty landscape. Really, she thought, the rat experiment was not so important; it would take too long, anyway. However, some of the people back at Command seemed to be very hung up on it; many of them were the ones she was most worried about the reaction of. Letting them know that the colonial leaders were stonewalling the experiment they cared so much about, could help to bring them around to a realization of the true situation here.] The stability of the Colony infrastructure has recently come under question. There are known quake issues with this site, of course, although the colonial residents have refused to admit to any in recent years even though they continue to use geothermal energy. There are also the effects of long-term wear and tear which has not always been repaired, and in some cases cannot be... [Helene paused, then deleted "and in some cases cannot be". Saying that something "cannot" be done, naturally encourages some of the more recalcitrant ones back in Command to try to demonstrate that this isn't true, by coming up with some labor-intensive, expensive, and risky way that it could, possibly happen. Best not to give them an opening to discredit her by saying something that they could disprove, by taking it too literally.] ...repaired, and given the current population levels, realistically cannot be... [Helene paused again, then deleted again back to the word "repaired". Saying that the repairs which had not happened, could possibly happen with increased population levels to supply the labor, just encouraged the wrong elements back in Command to reach the wrong conclusions about what was the best way forward.] ...repaired. The current, increased population levels have exposed the extent of the deterioration, and we may need to make hard choices about the Colony's future. [Better. The increased population levels are now worsening the problem, so increasing them further is clearly out of the question. Which makes it obvious what the way forward is. Helene saved the file and transmitted it to Earth.]