I THINK WE MAY HAVE A REAL PROBLEM HERE. WE MAY NEED TO CONSIDER GETTING WORD TO EARTH SOMEHOW. With further opportunity to observe the inner functioning of the colonials' society, it is apparent that Olivia is, in fact, second from the top of their hierarchy. Liam appears to actually be the dominant one, even though Olivia normally speaks for him. This is consistent with records of some primitive societies, wherein there was often a supreme leader who was normally remote, silent or unseen, and someone lower ranking who normally communicated their judgements to the rest. This reinforces the psychological impression of distance between the leader's position and their own. [Like a god-emperor and his chief priestess, thought Helene, although she did not type that part into her report.] We have taken all prudent and necessary measures to make certain that the work schedule from Command is not interfered with, and over time this will help to reintegrate the colonials' into modern society. The addition of the agricultural robots will reduce the physical workload, which is a benefit clear to everyone, regardless of whether or not their prior leadership understands this. [Typical of 20th century cults, thought Helene, to want their victims to be kept busy working, so that they don't have the time or energy to question their submission to authority. No wonder Liam and Olivia wanted to slow down the rollout of the robots.] There was, regrettably, an act of minor sabotage of the work of the agri-robots, the first night after they began operating. Several colonials have made (obviously baseless) claims that this was a result of robot malfunction. It is apparent that the increased productivity and reduced workload from the agri-robots is perceived as threatening by some of the colonials who are most resistant to any change in the status quo, but the agri-robots do appear to be working properly, and should free up quite a bit of time for other pursuits. In order to further demonstrate the progress that can come with a more democratic and forward-thinking leadership... [Helene paused, then deleted the word "leadership". It made her sound too self-aggrandizing, as if it were her being the new leader that was the improvement. Something more impersonal, pointing at the style and policy rather than the person. "Management"? "Administration"?] ...forward-thinking strategy, the fish-farm project will be accelerated as well. The addition of a new protein source to the diet is a clear benefit to everyone. This will necessitate some temporarily increased work-load for those whose work and expertise is most directly related to this project, but the effects should be manageable, and the results for everyone more than worth it. [Joshua, thought Helene, why did it have to be Joshua that was the fish-farming expert? She needed someone to rein him in a bit, so she didn't have to do all of that herself. Ophelia? Theodore? Both, make it both.]