IT GETS BETTER. THIS IS HELENE'S SECOND REPORT TO EARTH. There are some unorthodox procedures of the Colony that have developed in the period of their isolation. There is a pseudo-religious ritual at the end of each day, in which the leader announces her decisions on all important matters of the colony. Crewmembers who attempted to participate in this discussion were ignored or silenced. This was followed by chanting and more ritual regarding the preparation of food, and shockingly, children were involved in this religious indoctrination. Every organization will develop its own protocols and procedures, of course, but in the absence of adult supervision, it is apparent that the Colony has regressed to a primitive level of organization, somewhat akin to shamanistic animism, with a dash of 20th century cult hierarchy. All of this constitutes a solvable problem, but it is one that will be made more difficult because of the distance from the resources (such as therapists, courts, and child welfare experts) who might be normally needed in dealing with such a situation. We will proceed with caution, but it is apparent that the psychological hold of Olivia over the younger colonists will need to be addressed. [Helene paused, and looked at what she had typed, then stared out the small window to her left, out into the rusty Martian landscape. It was a strong series of statements, and it risked alienating some of those back on Earth who did not understand the gravity of the situation. But, given how difficult she anticipated it being to break the hold of the current leadership on the minds of the colonists, it would not do to get into serious conflict and then try to explain to those back on Earth what had happened. Better to let the administration know early that they should expect turbulence. She looked back to the screen, and began typing again.] Refocusing efforts on the fish farm setup may help to bring the colonists' around to a more productive disposition, as they see that progress is possible and change is not always bad. We will accelerate the schedule, given that almost all crewmembers seem prepared for physical labor again. [Helene gazed off to her right, thinking about the steps required for starting the fish farm. Several of them required Joshua, her least predictable and least stable crewmember, to be involved. She grimaced, and cast about in her mind for another project to use to assert her authority over the Colony, and demonstrate to the colonists that they didn't have to be afraid of Olivia any more. Unfortunately, none of the other projects were of large enough scope to involve so many people at once, and therefore demonstrate how things worked in a properly run society. No, it would have to be the fish farm. Joshua would just have to be managed.] [Helene saved and transmitted her report, and then began researching how much was known about cult psychology, and deprogramming those who had been brainwashed.]